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Quang Tri Province and Mukdahan Province sign Cooperation Plan in the period 2025-2030

07-08-2024 16:24

The signing ceremony of the Cooperation Plan between Quang Tri Province (Vietnam) and Mukdahan Province (Thailand) for the period 2025-2030 was held on August 5, 2024, at the headquarter of the People's Committee of Quang Tri Province.

Attending the signing ceremony were Mr. Vorayan Bunarat, Governor of Mukdahan Province, Kingdom of Thailand; Mr. Vo Van Hung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Tri Province; Mr. Hoang Nam, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Trieu Thuong, Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs; and representatives of the leadership from various departments, agencies, and branches of the two provinces.

At the signing ceremony, Mr. Vo Van Hung, Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Tri Province, provided an overview of the local socio-economic development and emphasized that Quang Tri and Mukdahan share many cultural similarities, natural conditions, and potential advantages in natural resources and human resources. Both provinces are located on the East-West Economic Corridor connecting Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar and are part of the five economic corridors in the Greater Mekong Subregion. These are favorable conditions for the two provinces to continue to strengthen effective cooperation in all suitable fields.


The friendship between Quang Tri and Mukdahan was established on January 25, 2005. Cooperation contents have been received special attention and direction from provincial leaders, close coordination from local departments, agencies, and branches, and the enthusiastic response and support of the people of both provinces, achieving positive results.

At the signing ceremony, Mr. Vorayan Bunarat, Governor of Mukdahan Province, affirmed that over the past nearly 20 years, since the establishment of cooperation between Mukdahan and Quang Tri in areas such as trade, investment, tourism, labor, and communication, the two sides have maintained a good relationship in all areas of cooperation. He expressed confidence that the signing of the Cooperation Plan between Quang Tri and Mukdahan for the period 2025-2030 would elevate the relationship between the two provinces to a new, deeper level.

After the discussions, the two sides agreed to sign the Cooperation Plan for the period 2025-2030 in the following areas: economy, investment, trade, and tourism; education, labor, and human resource development; communication and promotional activities. In economic, investment, trade, and tourism cooperation, the two sides will support and provide information, introduce opportunities, and facilitate businesses from each side in exploring and researching information about potential and investment opportunities; alternately organize investment and trade promotion conferences and seminars in each province. Priority will be given to cooperation in high-tech agricultural applications and seafood processing.

Regarding cooperation in education, labor, and human resource development, the two sides will facilitate the cooperation of higher education and vocational training institutions in the two provinces, provide scholarships for students, organize high-quality vocational training, and exchange labor resources, initially in the tourism sector. Labor capacity and skills will be trained and improved to meet labor market demands and facilitate labor shifts within the ASEAN Community.

In communication and promotional activities, Quang Tri and Mukdahan will continue to coordinate and actively participate in events organized by the two provinces and other provinces on the East-West Economic Corridor; media agencies should regularly exchange and cooperate in producing videos, reports, and documentaries to introduce the land, people, landscapes, and cultural-historical sites of each province.

They will enhance exchange, learning experiences, and information sharing about village products under the OTOP model of Thailand and Mukdahan or the OCOP model of Vietnam and Quang Tri to further promote the village development model in the two provinces and implement friendship and cooperation activities, including promoting and supporting the connection activities of overseas Vietnamese in Mukdahan Province.

During the visit and working trip in Quang Tri Province, the high-level delegation of Mukdahan Province visited and worked with Camel Beer Factory of TTC International Beer Joint Stock Company at Cam Tuyen Industrial Cluster, Cam Tuyen Commune, Cam Lo District.


Source: International Cooperation Division

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